est. 1972
Mentors - Adult volunteers who are 20+ years old, have completed Companions for Children's Screening Process, lives in Minot, ND or within a 15-mile radius, and can volunteer for a minimum of 18 months.
​Mentees - Children who are between the ages of 6 and 18 year's old, have learned what having a mentor means and have decided themselves that they want a mentor, have a parent/guardian who is a willing participant, and lives in Minot, ND or within a 15-mile radius. Parents & Guardians, please click here to Enroll a Child.
Mentors provide a child with someone to talk to, confide, in and share their thoughts with. Companions for Children provides monthly pre-paid activities thanks to Match Activity Sponsors, on-going training, and match support to both the mentor and the parent/guardian.
Matches meet twice per month (every other week) after school, in the evenings, or on weekends. Scheduling is individualized by the match and is discussed throughout the enrollment process with both the Mentor and the Parent/Guardian to ensure schedules align prior to matching.
Matches meet in the Minot and surrounding community and are encouraged to do free to low-cost activities. Mentors are expected to pay for all costs inquired while together with their mentee, however, Companions for Children has many Community Partner's who provide activities to the Mentor at a discounted rate.
Want to support this program?
Amazon Wishlist
Support by sponsoring a activity for Mentors and Mentees to enjoy together. Not only do Mentors generously give their time, they also pay for all activities they do with their Mentee's. This ensures children from all financial backgrounds are able to participate and no financial burden is placed on the families. Every month, Companions for Children teams up with a local individual or business to provide a pre-paid activity to the matches in the community-based mentoring program. This cost of this sponsorship is $500. Recognition is provided on our social media accounts two times during that month with pictures and the business logo (when applicable). Busineses can work with the Companions for Children Team to find a month and activity that aligns with their marketing plan. Here are some examples of activities from last year. Roosevelt Park Zoo, Take and Bake Pizza Kits from Prairie Sky Breads, Golf Outing at Wee Links, Fall Festivities at Berry Acres, Pumpkin Carving, Bowling at North Hill Bowl, and Checking out the new Rage Room!
Head on over to Companions for Children's Amazon Wishlist and purchase an item! Mentors can come to our office and pick up these activities to do with their Mentee!
Community Partners

Match Activity Sponsors