Cancer Care Pilot Program
For immediate release
June 22nd, 2023
Contact Information
Heather Cymbaluk, Executive Director Companions for Children heather.cymbaluk@companionsforchildren.org Office: (701) 838-5784 | Direct: (701) 833-4455
Thanks to donations from SandPro LLC, Companions for Children to launch a new youth mentoring program to provide mentors to children whose parent is battling cancer.
“The program idea was brought to us by the Trinity Health Foundation,” said Heather Cymbaluk, Companions for Children’s Executive Director. “They identified the need for additional support for families who are going through their cancer journey.”
Companions for Children is currently in the development process of this program. During the process, they are working closely with experts in the medical field and community members to capitalize on their expertise. According to Cymbaluk, “it is important to obtain the knowledge and expertise of those who work closely with those impacted by cancer and those with first-hand experiences as we develop the program policies and procedures.”
“The implementation of this program would not be possible without the financial backing by SandPro LLC and their support of our mission,” says Cymbaluk.
“As someone who has benefited from Companions for Children's mentorship, I fully understand the life-changing impact that this organization has on young minds. That's why SandPro selected Companions for Children to be the beneficiary of proceeds collected because of the Bakken Bag Fest tournament this past February. Additionally, we have made a commitment to extend our support to their new program, specifically for children whose parents are undergoing cancer treatment. The Companions for Children team is devoted to helping local kids in every possible way, and as a locally owned and operated business, SandPro takes pride in being a part of this great cause,” says Jake Feil, CEO Sand Pro LLC.
According to the American Cancer Society, there was an estimated 1.9 million new cancer cases diagnosed in the United States last year- meaning a new cancer is diagnosed every 30 seconds. Navigating cancer can feel overwhelming, from coping with the diagnosis to undergoing treatment, and enduring the side effects. To their knowledge, Companions for Children will be the only the third organization in the US to have a program like this.
Cancer not only affects the health of the diagnosed but also impacts the physical, psychological, emotional, and financial health of the entire family. Children whose parents are diagnosed with cancer have increased anxiety, and depression. They also are filled with numerous cancer-related questions. This program aims to broaden the support to those children by providing them with a one-on-one mentoring relationship.
Companions for Children is looking for volunteers interested in mentoring a child when this program moves to the pilot stage later this year. Having a personal experience with cancer will be a requirement for mentors in this program. Contact Companions for Children’s office at (701) 838-5784 for more information.
Companions for Children brings a long history of youth mentoring in the Minot community, providing hundreds of children with screened, adult volunteer mentors since its inception in 1972. They have a successful track record of implementing new programs like Lunch Pals, in 2017, and Pen Pals during the pandemic in 2020.
Companions for Children is currently providing mentors to over 100 children in the Minot community.
Want to support this program?
Support by sponsoring a activity for Mentors and Mentees to enjoy together. Not only do Mentors generously give their time, they also pay for all activities they do with their Mentee's. This ensures children from all financial backgrounds are able to participate and no financial burden is placed on the families. Every month, Companions for Children teams up with a local individual or business to provide a pre-paid activity to the matches in the community-based mentoring program. This cost of this sponsorship is $500. Recognition is provided on our social media accounts two times during that month with pictures and the business logo (when applicable). Busineses can work with the Companions for Children Team to find a month and activity that aligns with their marketing plan. Here are some examples of activities from last year. Roosevelt Park Zoo, Take and Bake Pizza Kits from Prairie Sky Breads, Golf Outing at Wee Links, Fall Festivities at Berry Acres, Pumpkin Carving, Bowling at North Hill Bowl, and Checking out the new Rage Room!
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Match Activity Sponsors